Monday, 17 April 2023

Provillus Hair Growth Formula

 Provillus hair supplement review

What happened to Provillus, and is it still available to buy? 

During its time, the hair loss treatment brand, Provillus, was one of the most heavily marketed hair products on the market. The brand's star product was its supplement (one for men and another for women), but it also had a topical solution. 

From the late-2000s to around 2015, Provillus, along with fellow American brand, Procerin, was the market-leading hair supplement to treat hair loss. It could be said that these two brands, in particular, were the pioneering hair growth supplements. 

Procerin is still active, however, Provillus is no longer available on the market. So, we ask; what is the reason for the decline of Provillus?  How could what was once a market leader, decline so quickly? 

What is Provillus? 

Provillus was a naturally formulated hair supplement that contained ingredients that could help promote a healthy scalp and head of hair. The theory behind Provillus was to revive the hair follicles with growth stimulators and attack hair loss at its source by blocking DHT.

Its key ingredients were Vitamin B6, Zinc, cucurbita maxima, and nettle root. This supplement was not FDA approved, but it did act as a safe alternative to harsh prescription drugs such as finasteride. The formulation was very similar to Procerin.

Why is Provillus no longer available on the market? 

Hair Loss Review Centre contributor, and hair loss specialist for ten years, David Griffiths, gives us his view of why Provillus is no more:

Provillus was founded in 2002, which is before any other hair supplement of its kind. Its closest competitor, Procerin, was founded just a year later in 2003. These two supplements, at the time, were absolute giants, mainly because they both had no competition. By the late 2000s, Provillus, and Procerin, were the go-to non-prescription supplements for treating hair loss.

Things started to change as we entered the 2010s with the emergence of TRX2 in 2011, and various other brands such as Viviscal. These higher-end supplements became hugely popular at the time, and by 2015, there were more additions to the market, with popular supplements like HR23+ and Nutrafol on the scene.

HR23+ Nutrafol

As we entered the third decade, the hair supplement market became hugely saturated, which meant less and less people were buying Provillus. Also, the standard and effectiveness of hair supplements became better, over time, which left supplements like Provillus rather outdated.

There are endless amounts of hair supplements on the market, with some being more effective than others. As things currently stand, Provillus would rank in the mid-range of hair supplements for effectiveness. 

So, with stronger competition, and more effective supplements out there, it was only a matter of time until Provillus succumbed to the pressure. And although Provillus has had its time, its legacy cannot be denied. It was the first of its kind, playing a significant role in the rise of hair supplements. 

What is the best hair supplement now?

The best and most effective hair supplement on the market is HR23+ (founded in 2015). What makes HR23+ stand out from the rest is the way it has constantly evolved its formula, in order to move with the times, and keep its effectiveness, as well as improve it. 

HR23+ has evolved its formula twice, sine its release in 2015. Once in 2018, and then again in 2022. 

hair growth supplement

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